Monday, September 2, 2024

Emergency Response Training


Empower Your Emergency Skills: Join Anne Arundel-Annapolis CERT’s Fall 2024 Basic Training

The Annapolis Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) has announced its Fall 2024 dates for its 20-hour in-person CERT Basic Training class. Volunteer to become a trained member of your community in emergency response.

The training will be held on Friday, September 27 from 6pm-9pm; Saturday, September 28 from 8am-5pm; and Sunday, September 29 from 8am-4pm at the Fire Training Academy in Millersville. A disaster simulation will be held on Sunday, October 6th from 1pm-5pm at the same location.

Everyone completing the course receives a nationally recognized certification and the opportunity to join Anne Arundel-Annapolis CERT and volunteer to support the County Office of Emergency Management following a disaster.  Visit for more information and for a registration link for this class and also for our September class.  After the last several years, is there a better time to get educated in emergency preparedness and response!  For questions, contact

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