Watershed Stewards Academy to host conference in Davidsonville

The Watershed Stewards Academy, a program of the Arlington Echo Outdoor Education Center, trains and supports leaders called Master Watershed Stewards to engage their communities in practices that reduce pollution and restore our waterways.
Spring Into Action conference is designed to provide opportunities for Master Watershed Stewards, the WSA Consortium of Support Professionals, and interested community members to network, share the latest watershed restoration techniques and explore outreach methods that benefit the Chesapeake Watershed. This year’s conference features 6 tracks, includingOutdoors and Hands on, featuring field trips to a nearby park and restoration project and a hands-on invasive species control workshop; Restoration Maintenance and Design, featuring sessions that provide guidance on design, planning and maintenance of restoration projects large and small; andReaching Beyond the Choir, including innovative ways to engage our neighbors and friends in helping to restore our waterways.
A draft conference agenda and registration may be found at aawsa.org. Early bird registration ($35) extends through January 31st! Regular conference registration ($45) will remain open until February 22.
More information may be found at aawsa.org or by contacting Suzanne Etgen, WSA Coordinator, at setgen@aacps.org, or (443) 871 0700 or 410 222 3831.
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