What explains the girant screw with Dr. Robert Graw standing beside it. Or the 10-foot metal ball and shackle and 6-foot high ball and jacks sitting in fields around Davidsonville Pediatrics on Rutland Road?
Kids, er, patients at Dr. Graw’s office have been engaged in a contest trying to solve the puzzle. Contestants have been submitting artwork or a story about who escaped from the giant ball and shackle across the road from the office. We’ll know the winner this week.
Maybe it was Shrek? What if there is a great big beanstalk nearby?
Meanwhile, just among us adults, the back story emerged Friday.
The large metal art works are the creation of Vermont-based artist David Tanych, whom Graw befriended through a common friend. Tanych has been spending winters, and more, on the West Coast and needed a place to keep the larger-than-life pieces as he tries to sell them.
Unless you have a really big yard or a very understanding homeowner’s association, the steel structures are definitely in the public art realm.
Out in the country, Graw needn’t worry about such.
“It is for the children,” he said.
The doctor has cows and sheep and a pride of peacocks wandering the field next to the office. He had picture windows installed just so the children can peer at the menagerie. Graw is especially happy to see mothers stopping their cars to let their children look at the ball and jacks with cows and sheep wandering amidst the steel.
To read the rest of the article, go to: http://www.capitalgazette.com/news/local/giant-fun-dots-davidsonville-fields/article_f3b84c38-a660-5c12-8f49-b24f718632ea.html
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